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Learn more about me... discover my business journey, my expertise & why I'm so passionate about supporting online entrepreneurs in their pursuit of success & growth



I’m Shereen, I'm an entrepreneur, business coach & full-time mum. I run several successful businesses, including my own retail shops, an online travel agency and a business coaching & mentoring program.


I'm passionate about showing people that there is more to life than working a 9-5 job, one that doesn't fit around family balance, that keeps you living for the weekends or your 28 days holiday. I want to help people break free from the restrictions of traditional employment and to build successful online businesses. 


Starting an online business offers so many benefits that are more than just financial rewards. It gives you the power to shape your own future, aligning your business with your values, aspirations and desired lifestyle. Imagine having the flexibility to work when and where you choose, allowing you to spend precious time with loved ones and follow your passions.


What sets me apart from other business coaches? Well, I walk the talk. Juggling the responsibilities of a full-time mum to my son, who has special needs, I have managed to build and run four thriving businesses with minimum childcare. My journey has taught me the art of balancing life's challenges while trying to carve out a fulfilling career.

A woman in a red dress smiling to camera and standing in front of a Moroccan themed door
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My Story,


From leaving college, I spent over 11 years in the corporate world. I worked for 3 big corporate companies and climbed each of their corporate ladders quickly. At 18 I was running my own department in a high-quality retail store, while completing a full time degree at university. After 6 years in that role, I changed careers and started working for a property company. Within 2 years I was offered a management role and within a year I was running my own office in London. 


I am very ambitious and money-motivated, to an extent. Throughout my corporate career, I was earning a great salary but I was never really truly happy working for someone else and towards the end I was completely miserable. I lived for the weekends and had that awful Monday dread that would start on Saturday night, because I knew I only had one day left till I was back at my desk. I hated everything about the corporate world and all of it's restraints. I disliked feeling like just a number and not an individual and I hated the toxic environment.


When I married my husband in 2015, I knew that I did not want to raise a family while working in this corporate world. I wasn't prepared to see my baby just at weekends, miss bedtimes and all the important milestones. The corporate environment just didn't align with my future vision anymore. I have always been driven and determined but I wasn't prepared to sacrifice my family life and raising my child. I knew there had to be a way that I could have a better balance.


So, I had an idea.. My husband was a greengrocer, he had been since he was 16 and loved his job. I convinced him that we should open our own shop, become our own bosses and work independently to build a business that suited us. So we did. We opened our first shop in North London - a greengrocers and florist. We put everything into it and we worked tirelessly to get it off the ground. We loved it. The freedom of running our own enterprise and being our own bosses felt incredible. Yes, it came with challenges (lots of them), but the good far outweighed the bad and we knew that we never wanted to go back to working for someone again. The shop was a huge success, we had a great client base, we were winning awards and we had built something really special. So, we decided to do it again

















We opened a second shop in the next town. Things got really difficult after opening this second shop. We had our first child, we lost our business partner, the pandemic hit, our son was diagnosed with ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) and we really struggled to manage everything. The shops had given us so much, in terms of freedom and income but running two of them, while raising a son with special needs, was becoming impossible. Life was becoming more and more difficult, the shops were no longer aligning with our lives and desired future and so I realised that I needed to work on changing things.


I still wanted to be my own boss and I still wanted to build a business that I loved, I wanted to bring some more freedom and spaciousness into my working life. I came across an opportunity to become an independent travel agent. As soon as I saw it, I knew it was perfect! I could work from anywhere, I just needed a laptop. This meant that I could work from home while looking after my son, work from a soft play or a cafe or on holiday. There were no overheads, no rent or rates or stock or staff to manage. I immediately loved the freedom that I could see was possible. I also loved to travel and couldn't believe that I hadn't thought to work in the industry before. If I'm being honest, I had this misconception that working in travel would be low paid, but when I saw the business model, it was surprisingly mind-blowing.


So, I started again from scratch, with no experience in travel, I learnt everything there was to know about the industry. I built a brand, I focused on a target market, I networked and advertised and I built a successful online travel company in 12 months. I did it all while still working in two shops, I worked mostly in the evenings and it never actually felt like work. I was happy to sacrifice my evenings to build something that was giving me so much joy. I started this new venture for the financial benefit and the spaciousness, so that I could look after my son full-time. But, I gained so much more than that. I grew in confidence, I personally developed, I stepped out of my comfort zone, I learnt so much and I built something I am really proud of and that I am obsessed with. It is so rewarding to do something I love everyday and get paid for it and have it fit around my life and family.


















As my travel business grew, people around me wanted to do the same. The company that I hold my travel agent license with, offers an affiliate scheme and so I began to recommend it to people. Once they started, I felt a responsibility to help them with their businesses and so I started to mentor and coach them. This was the game changer for me. I had no idea how rewarding I would find it to help others with their businesses. I had always been someone that friends and family come to for business advice, but this was different. I was holding zoom training sessions and creating pdfs and guides and social media masterclasses and support chats and in person workshops and 1:1 meetings. I was good at it, I really enjoyed it and it gave me so much purpose. I loved seeing them personally develop, build their confidence and gain new skills and achievements. 


I decided I wanted to expand into coaching more and improve my skills as a coach. I wanted to gain professional credibility, rather than just feeling like I was winging it. So, I enrolled onto a certification course and successfully completed it to earn my credentials as a certified coach. And so here I am, building yet another business to coach others to create a business that supports and enhances life, rather than restricting it. I have truly found my purpose and want to help as many people as I possibly can.

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As your coach,


I am here to guide you through every step of the entrepreneurial journey. From brainstorming business ideas to overcoming hurdles, crafting effective marketing strategies to cultivating a success-oriented mindset, I provide the tools and insights that empower you to achieve greatness. 


While my focus is primarily on supporting parents who yearn for a more spacious and fulfilling life, I'm open to working with anyone seeking to escape the confines of the 9-5 grind. Whether you aspire to travel the world while running an online business or desire the freedom to be present for your family, I'm here to help you turn those dreams into a tangible and profitable reality.

Ready to Start?

Join me on this incredible journey of personal growth and entrepreneurship. Together, we can unlock your potential, embrace the boundless opportunities of online business and work towards creating a life that truly reflects your vision of success.

Other Places to Find me

Here is a list of places I regularly hang out online...


Instagram - Where I share my day-to-day life, behind the scenes of my business, as well as lots of travel content & ideas for days out 



Substack - Where I share advice, resources, tips & insights into running a business online. You can subscribe to get my business newsletter here too.



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