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The Power of a Perfect Business Name

Unveiling the secrets to finding the perfect name for your business. Things to consider & ideas to get started...

A field of yellow grass and wild yellow flowers with the sun shining on it

Choosing your business name might seem deceptively simple but, choosing the perfect name can hold immense power in shaping the destiny of your business.

Your business name is more than just a label; it becomes the essence of your brand, your vision, your values and your identity. In a world filled with competing voices, a carefully crafted business name acts as a beacon to attract customers, it’s the first impression that potential customers, brands and partners will get.

Choosing a name is something that should be given a great deal of time and thought. Your business name sets the stage for everything that follows. So, grab a cup of tea and join me as we dive into the exciting world of business naming and uncover the secrets to finding the perfect name to boost your entrepreneurial journey.

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Finding the perfect name for your business is not an easy task. Here are 8 things to consider when deciding on a business name…

1). Does it reflect your brand identity?

Your business name should be a reflection of your brand’s identity and values. What does the name say about you and your brand? Consider the core essence of your brand and the message that you want to convey. What are the unique qualities of your business? What are the values and principles that drive your brand? How do you want customers to perceive your brand? By understanding your brand identity, you can choose a name that aligns with your brand’s personality and connects with your desired audience.

For example - if you’re running a wellness business that focuses on holistic health, a name that reflects vitality, balance and well-being would be more fitting than just a generic, unrelated name. Think about the emotions and associations you want your brand name to evoke and ensure that your name reflects that.

2). Is it memorable?

I would say that this is one of the most important factors for a business name. If it is too long or complicated, if it’s a made-up word or hard to spell or pronounce, people will find it harder to remember.

For example; when people want to search for your business, website or social media accounts, they may struggle to find you. You also make it more difficult for people to recommend you if they can’t remember the name. Word of mouth can be one of the best ways to grow your business, if you choose a difficult name, you could miss out on one of the best marketing methods.

3). Does it speak to your target audience?

A crucial aspect of choosing a business name is ensuring that it resonates with your target audience. Your name needs to grab their attention, pique their curiosity and create a connection. It’s a good idea to gain a deep understanding of your ideal customer and think about the language they use. What words or concepts are meaningful to them?

Can you use a tone and language that aligns with your target audience? Are they formal or informal? Are they professional or playful? Tailor your name to match their style and preferences so that it resonates positively with them.

4). Is it available?

One of the most frustrating things is thinking of a great name, falling in love with it, deciding that is it perfect for you and then you realise it already belongs to another business. Expect that it will happen, often when you are thinking of a name, you will think of ones that you may have heard before. But, to stop yourself from falling in love with a name that is taken, just make this part of your process…

When you think of a name that you like, check companies house to see if another business exists, then check Google to see if the domain is available and thirdly check if the name is available on social media. Ideally, you want all 3 checks to be clear but you can make a decision and make tweaks based on what you find.

5). Is it relevant to your industry?

It is a good idea to make sure that your business name is relevant to your industry. Firstly it creates an instant understanding of what you may be offering to potential customers and therefore quicker to attract them. Secondly, it can be useful when people are searching within that industry.

For example, I always suggest to people starting a travel agency to have the words ‘travel’ or ‘holiday’ or similar in the name. This means people instantly know the industry that they are part of. If someone is searching for travel or holiday, there is also more chance of their business name coming up in the search - especially on social media.

6). Is it future-proof?

Will the name still work if you grow as a business? If you expand into other areas? Is it scaleable? Does it allow flexibility if you want to pivot into other things?

Let me give you some examples…

  • If your business is called ‘Travelling Family 4’, what happens if you have another child?

  • If your business is ‘Wooly Hats’, what happens if you want to expand to gloves and scarves?

  • If your business is called ‘The Instagram Coach’, what happens if you want to start offering help with TikTok or YouTube?

  • If your business is called ‘Highgate Bakery’ (after the village of Highgate where it is situated) what happens if you want to expand to other villages?

Give some thought to the future of you and your business and explore possible avenues that your business could head in. Does the name still work?

7). Are you thinking big enough?

When I choose a business name, I always try to imagine it as a huge corporation with a head office and on billboards etc. It might seem silly but I think as big as I can and test if the name would still work. Doing this will encourage a growth mindset, it can inspire you to reach greater heights and strive for success on a larger scale. A strong-ambitious name can instil confidence in customers. It can also help to differentiate your brand from competitors. Thinking big and selecting a name that reflects your ambition, can mean you lay the groundwork for long-term success.

8) Are you proud of it? Do you absolutely love it?

Your business name becomes an integral part of your identity as an entrepreneur. It represents your passion, vision and hard work. When you truly love the name, it creates an emotional connection that fuels your dedication and enthusiasm. You pour your heart and soul into your venture and when you have a name that resonates with you on a personal level, it brings a great sense of fulfilment and pride. When you genuinely love and believe in your business name, it will help you to naturally share your business with others and confidently promote its services and products.

So, trust your instincts, follow your heart and select a name that brings you joy and pride as you embark on this exciting adventure.

an open notebook with a fluffy pink pen and ceramic tea cup with steam

Ideas to help you start...

1). Brainstorm & mind map

I do this when starting a business and when helping my clients choose a name. It is the best starting point, to get everything down on paper and help ideas flow.

Write down everything and anything about your business, about you, about your services, about your industry, about your target customers. Write down colours you like, words to describe the feel of your business or what you want customers to feel. Write down the names of businesses that you love and businesses that inspire you. Get it all down on paper and you’ll have a great starting point to find the perfect name.

2). Wordplay, alliteration & rhyming

Incorporating any of the above tends to help the name to be more memorable. They help to create a unique and catchy name or sound that sticks in people’s minds. They also add a touch of creativity and playfulness to the name, capturing attention and generating intrigue and engagement. A fun, clever and creative name will help your business stand out and attract potential customers.

3). Incorporate meaningful keywords

I’ve mentioned this above but worth pointing out again… try to incorporate words associated with your industry so that there is that instant connection and understanding for potential customers.

Make it personal by incorporating your name if it works. You could create a play on your name and make it memorable. You could also draw on inspiration from personal stories or values or experiences. This will help you love and connect with your name more too.

4). Use a thesaurus

I find this a really helpful tip when looking for a name. When you’re brainstorming and searching for a name so many words will fly in and out of your head, you’re overloading it with suggestions. Some words will connect with what you want but not quite be the right fit, this is where a thesaurus comes in handy. I sometimes go down a rabbit hole of words starting with one and then going onto the suggestions and then the suggestions of the suggestions, it can be a great tool to help brainstorm.

5). Seek feedback

Get some feedback on your name or shortlist of names. Try it out on some of your target audience and trusted individuals or focus groups. You will gain valuable feedback and insight into the effectiveness of the name and in capturing their attention and interest.

6). Do not rush

I cannot emphasise this enough. You do not need to rush to pick a name I suggest taking your time to think of one and then when you think you’ve found the right one and done the checks and it ticks the boxes, sit with it for a few weeks. Talk to people about it, play around with logos and see if it fits with your ideas on branding and just sit with it for a while, until you are completely sure it's the right one for you.

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Good luck and if you need any help or want some feedback on your ideas, you know where to find me.

Lots of love,

Shereen xx

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